River walk along the Sarela River

The route of the
along the course of the Sarela River is one of the main
is one of the main and most beautiful green routes that can be enjoyed in the city of Santiago de Compostela.

Unknown for years by most of the citizens, this itinerary allows you to discover all the richness of the ecosystem found along the river course and to get completely away from the urban environment.

This walking and strolling route is part of a circuit designed by the local government of Santiago to connect some of the main parks and green areas of the city in the same route.

According to official information, completing this 7.2-kilometer route takes a minimum of 60 minutes, depending on the route taken.

In fact, it is possible to access and enter it from different points of the city, so that each person can adapt the experience to their possibilities and interests.

The route can be done following the paths of the different bridges installed along the course or, even, extending it through the forest tracks of Monte Pedroso.

In any case, the path shows the way to follow, winding along the river, and allowing the passage from one bank to the other with the wooden walkways built after the rehabilitation work done by the City Council of Santiago.

Along this route, you can walk along bridges, paths, rest on benches and see some of the historic buildings that are on the Sarela riverbed. Among them, remains of mills and tanneries dating from the 19th century.

The trail has numerous shaded areas and resting points, as well as a great diversity of plant and tree species, such as birch trees, willows and abundant flora typical of riverbeds.

On the other hand, it is a perfect itinerary for cycling, as it has gentle slopes and a flat route. Among the highlights of the Paseo Fluvial is the environment of the chapel of Carmen de Abaixo or the ‘Homenaxe ás Lavandeiras’.


Open 24 hours a day


7.2 kilometers


Sarela River

Google Maps:

See map

Data of interest:

Close to several parking areas.


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of interest
