Monte do Gozo

Monte do Gozo
is a hill of approximately 380 meters of altitude near the city of Santiago de Compostela. This elevation is known for being the place from where pilgrims on the French Way first see, in the distance, the towers of the Cathedral of Santiago. This moment of happiness is what gave it its name.

The historical and cultural significance of this mountain is remarkable. It has been known as Monte do Gozo since the Middle Ages and its history dates back to the 12th century. It was associated with a chapel for worship, located at the point where the chapel of San Marcos is now, which was undoubtedly built to facilitate prayer for pilgrims. He is also associated with one of the best known miracles of St. James, the Miracle of Lorraine.

It happened in 1080, when twenty knights of Lorraine swore to protect each other on the Camino, but abandoned one of them who fell ill in the Pyrenees, except for one. After his death, Santiago Apostle miraculously transported the knight and the deceased on horseback to Monte do Gozo.

Another tradition associated with this place is that many pilgrims decided to walk barefoot the 5 km that separated the mountain from the cathedral. Those on horseback decided to walk this last stretch. All as a gesture of respect and gratitude for his imminent arrival at the Cathedral of Santiago.

In Monte do Gozo, there is an emblematic monument known as the Pilgrim’s Monument, a sculpture representing a group of pilgrims with walking stick in hand, celebrating their arrival in Santiago. It is a symbol of victory for those who have completed the Path and a reminder of the greatness of this spiritual journey.

In 1989, Pope John Paul II visited this site on the occasion of World Youth Day. To commemorate the event, a statue was erected in memory of the Pope’s visit and St. Francis of Assisi.

The area has other facilities and services. There are hostels that offer affordable lodging for those who wish to spend the night there, both public and private. There are also rest areas, fountains and green areas where visitors can relax. It also has an open-air auditorium where great music groups have performed and where the O Son do Camiño festival is held.

Apart from its religious importance, Monte do Gozo attracts visitors and tourists looking to enjoy nature and the outdoors. Its trails and routes allow you to explore the surroundings and connect with the Galician natural environment.




Monte do Gozo

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