What to do in March in Santiago de Compostela

5 Mar 2024 | Culture, Leisure

Santiago welcomes the month of March, and with it also receives a new batch of concerts, performances, exhibitions and cultural activities that will not leave you indifferent.



Voces Novas Cycle: Gael Martins – March 5 at 9 p.m. at Modus Vivendi.

Agustito Cycle: Alfonso Medela
– March 5 at 9:30 p.m. at the Borriquita de Belém.

Reynier Aldana + Friends [Jam Groove] – March 6 at 9 p.m. at Modus Vivendi.

Festival Flamenco Riquela Club – from March 7 to 9 at the Riquela Club.

Alí Arango – March 8 at 8 p.m. at the Professional Conservatory of Music of Santiago.

Acantha Lang – March 8 at 9 p.m. at Sala Capitol.

Adriana López – March 9 at 7 p.m. at Sala Malatesta.

Candlelight: Tribute to Queen – March 9 at 9 p.m. at the San Francisco Hotel Monumento.

Candlelight: Coldplay Tribute – March 9 and 16 at 5 p.m. at the San Francisco Hotel Monumento.

Women – March 9th at 9:30 pm at Sónar Compostela.

Rojuu – March 9 at 8:30 pm at Sala Capitol.

Agustito Cycle: Pablo Sanmamed and Pablo Seoane
– March 12 at 9:30 p.m. at Café Camalea.

Daydream Sessions [Jam Groove] – March 13 at 9 p.m. at Modus Vivendi.

Paulo Pascual, Tehermin & Ondas – March 14 at 9 p.m. at Modus Vivendi.

Mel – March 15 at 9 p.m. at Modus Vivendi.

Filloas – March 14th at 10pm at Sónar Compostela.

Archivo Adxunto + Lisdexia + 9Louro – March 15th at 21:30 at Sónar Compostela.

Prestige World – March 15 at 9:30 p.m. at Sala Malatesta.

Pancho Varona – March 15 at 9 p.m. at the Riquela Club.

Jarabe de Palo: Tribute to Pau Donés – March 15 at 9 p.m. at Sala Capitol.

Mestres de Capela in Compostela – March 16 at 8:15 pm at the Convent and Church of Santo Agostiño.

Candlelight: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons – March 16 at 5 p.m. at the San Francisco Hotel Monumento.

Ramoncín – March 16 at 8:30 p.m. at Sala Capitol.

Asixo – March 16th at 10 pm Sónar Compostela.

Poetry Recital and Open Mic – March 19 at 9 p.m. at Modus Vivendi.

Agustito Cycle: Alberto Vilas (Circus)
– March 19 at 9:30 pm at the Borriquita de Belém.

Diego Massimi – March 20 at 9 p.m. at Modus Vivendi.

PUF – March 21 at 9 p.m. at Modus Vivendi.

Los Porretas – March 22nd at 9 pm at Sala Malatesta.

Arizona Baby – March 22nd at 9pm at the Riquela Club.

Gloria Pavia – March 22 at 9 p.m. at Modus Vivendi.

John Pollõn – March 23rd at 23:59 at Sala Malatesta.

The Rapants – March 23rd at 9pm at Sala Capitol.

Salvador Sobral – March 23rd at the Auditorio de Galicia.

Agustito Cycle: Rubén Fernández and Pablo Seoane
– March 26th at 21:30 at Café Camalea.



Deadpan Karaoke – from March 7 to 8 at 8:30 p.m. at the Teatro Principal.

Perdomo “Level Up ” – March 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the Riquela Club.

Manuela Rey is in da house – from March 14 to 16 at 8:30 pm at the Teatro Principal.

Todo unha noite – March 21st at 9 p.m. at the Abanca Auditorium.


Children’s activities

Buscando esenciais – March 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the Ánxel Casal Public Library.

Rosa non é unha cor – March 9 at 12 noon at the Ánxel Casal Public Library.

Paüra – March 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Auditorio de Galicia.

Unha princesa diferente – March 16th at 12 noon at the Ánxel Casal Public Library.

A poesía é un conto – March 23rd at 12 noon at the Ánxel Casal Public Library.

Sabela e o paxaro máxico – March 30 at 12 noon at the Ánxel Casal Public Library.



Nove palabras – from March 1 to 30 at the Ánxel Casal Public Library.

Banda deseñada autobiográfica feita por mulleres – from March 4 to 13 at the Biblioteca Pública Ánxel Casal.

They are the protagonists – from March 4 to April 1 at the Ánxel Casal Public Library.

Royal treasures. Masterpieces of the Holy Land Museum – from March 22nd to August 31st at the Cidade da Cultura de Galicia.



Feira do Libro – from March 15 to 22 at the Alameda Park.


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