The Pilgrims’ Road to Santiago welcomes 2024 with a record

3 Jan 2024 | Road to Santiago

Way of St. James
has bid farewell to 2023 with an extraordinary phenomenon, consolidating its success after the record figures of Xacobeo 21-22. Santiago de Compostela has experienced an increase in the number of pilgrims by exceeding the figure of 446,000, 2% more than in the Holy Year. This increase demonstrates the growing interest and devotion to this emblematic pilgrimage route.

A noteworthy aspect is the change in the trend of affluence, with a de-seasonalization in the traditionally busy months of July and August. This change is largely attributed to foreign pilgrims’ rejection of the crowds that used to characterize these months.

According to data from the Pilgrim’s Welcome Office, 56% of the 446,035 pilgrims are of foreign origin, while the remaining 44% are Spanish. The list of foreign nationalities is headed by the United States with more than 32,000 visitors, followed by Italy, Germany, Portugal, France and the United Kingdom.

In terms of itineraries, the French Way continues to be the most popular, with 49.72%, followed by the Portuguese Way, which continues to grow little by little and gain relevance among pilgrims.

By region, Andalusia leads the Spanish autonomous communities, with 46,245 travelers, followed by Madrid and the Valencian Community. Sarria remains the preferred starting point with 130,981 pilgrims, followed by Tui on the Portuguese Camino. Other routes, such as those starting from San Jean Pied de Port, Porto, Ferrol and Valença do Minho, have also seen a considerable number of walkers.

93.16% of pilgrims arrive in Santiago on foot, in line with the original experience. However, 22,881 choose to cycle, 603 to ride a horse, 274 to sail and 198 to use a wheelchair, which shows the diversity of means of transport used.

The Camino de Santiago has reached new heights in 2023, with a significant increase in the number of pilgrims and a notorious diversification in pilgrim profiles. This success can be attributed to several factors, such as deseasonalization, variety of itineraries and growing international popularity. With the current trend, the future of the Camino de Santiago looks promising, as it offers an enriching and spiritual journey along its different routes.


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