The Pilgrims’ Road to Santiago regains momentum in September with the arrival of foreign pilgrims

9 Oct 2023 | Road to Santiago, Tourism

The Camino de Santiago has experienced a renaissance during September, after two months of decline in the influx of pilgrims. This recovery confirms a trend towards deseasonalization, driven mainly by the preference of visitors who have decided to avoid the summer crowds.

The latest figures from the Cathedral reveal that September saw a 5% increase in the number of pilgrims over the same period last year. In total, 66,086 people received the long-awaited Compostela at the Oficina de Carretas, of which an impressive 59% came from other countries, while the remaining 41% were Spanish citizens.

It is important to remember that the two previous months, July and August, marked a period of negative results compared to the Holy Year, with a predominance of national pilgrims and a notable decrease in the number of international pilgrims. Despite the slight upturn in September, the third quarter of the year leaves a negative balance compared to the Jubilee, with an 8% decrease in the number of pilgrims between July and September.

During this period, about 198,000 pilgrims reached the goal, compared to more than 200,000 last year. In addition, the strong presence of foreigners in the first quarters of the year softened, with the predominance of national pilgrims between July and September, representing 54%, compared to 46% of foreigners.

However, despite the challenges of recent months, the annual balance still shows positive growth. Between January and September, the Camino experienced a 2% increase compared to the same period of the previous year, when the Compostela Jubilee was celebrated. So far, the International Pilgrim Welcome Center in Carretas has delivered around 376,000 Compostelas, six thousand more than in 2022.

While the first five months of the year were promising, the month of June marked the beginning of a slowdown in the number of pilgrims at the International Welcome Center, at least compared to the Jacobean years. In that month, about 59,000 pilgrims reached the Camino’s goal, just 2% more than in the same period of the previous year. However, July confirmed the downward trend, with a decrease of 9% compared to the previous Jubilee.

It is interesting to note that during July and August there was a change in the predominant nationality of pilgrims. In June, 62% of pilgrims came from other countries, while in July, the percentage dropped to 52%. In August, walkers from outside Spain accounted for 37% of the total.

September brought a resurgence in the presence of international pilgrims. During that month, nearly 5,400 pilgrims from the United States reached the goal of the Camino, representing 8.3% of the total, placing the country as the second with the highest presence on the Jacobean Route, after Spain (41%). They are followed by Italians (6.44%), Germans (5.78%) and Portuguese (3.4%).

Despite the most recent data, the global projection that the Camino has acquired is unstoppable and statistics reveal its impressive growth. In 2022, it set a record with 437,507 pilgrims, surpassing the 2019 mark. These statistics underline its global impact, with travelers from 180 different countries visiting the Galician capital, demonstrating the universality of the Jacobean Route.

In terms of itineraries, the French Way continues to be the most popular, with 49.4% of pilgrims, followed by the Portuguese Way, which has 20.25% of preference among walkers.

Récord de peregrinos en el Camino de Santiago, con EEUU a la cabeza


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