The legend of the shadow of La Quintana

7 Dec 2023 | Culture

Santiago de Compostela is a city with a rich and varied history. And, as you might expect, it also has numerous myths behind it. One of the best known is the so-called legend of the shadow of the Quintana.

When night falls and the public lighting is turned on, the shadowy figure of a pilgrim appears on one of the walls of the Cathedral of Santiago. This has led locals to believe that it is a ghost and has given rise to several stories about its origin.

The soul of an outlaw

The first myth tells that this shadow is the soul of a criminal who was trapped in the Cathedral. It states that a 15th century French nobleman was convicted of murdering his father out of greed. To redeem his sins, he was ordered to make a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

However, far from repenting and purifying himself, during his journey he became involved in several conflicts that culminated in the murder of two young men. When he arrived in the city, exhausted and with no place to rest, he decided to sleep at the doors of the Cathedral.

Around midnight, the ghost of his father appeared to him to forgive him for killing him, but told him that he must pay for the death of the two pilgrims. Therefore, he condemned the Frenchman to wait eternally in the Quintana until their souls reached Compostela and finished their journey.

The pilgrim’s faithful companion

Another legend tells us that this mysterious figure is, in reality, a soul that accompanies the walkers along their pilgrimage. According to history, this figure manifests himself in times of greatest need as a silent companion who provides strength to carry on in difficult times.

Therefore, upon arriving at the Cathedral, this being would show itself to the pilgrim as a sign of gratitude for completing the journey.

A soul in love

The most widespread story about the shadow’s true identity is the one that links it to a love story that ended in tragedy. It relates that a priest of the Cathedral fell madly in love with a nun of the Monastery of San Paio de Antealtares. They met every day at sunset through a passageway under the steps of the Plaza da Quintana.

The priest proposed to his beloved to leave everything behind and run away to live together. The plan was to elope at night disguised as pilgrims and they decided that their meeting point would be the Plaza da Quintana. However, the nun never arrived for her appointment and he waited for her until daylight.

In spite of everything, the priest never gave up and continued to go to the place night after night, hoping that, someday, his lover would appear. Legend has it that the figure is his soul that, despite the passing of the years, continues to wait faithfully.

A fortunate pillar

The shadow has become one of the best known myths of Santiago de Compostela. But in reality, it is an optical effect created by the illumination of the cathedral’s street lamps on a granite pillar. A coincidence that, in the same way, attracts the attention of tourists.

Whatever the reason, it is undeniable that the legend of the phantom pilgrim is a very rich and interesting story and one that has left a lasting impression on the imagination of locals and travelers alike.

If you ever visit the Plaza da Quintana, we recommend that you visit it at nightfall so that you can meet this mysterious figure.


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