The Galician Network of Theaters and Auditoriums brings 11 new performances to Santiago de Compostela

2 Feb 2024 | Culture

Santiago de Compostela is committed to theater and dance. The Rede Galega de Teatros e Auditorios is preparing to delight the public of Compostela with an offer of 11 performances of performing arts during the first half of the year.

The circuit, which has the support of the Xunta de Galicia and 41 municipal entities, will organize more than 350 theater, dance and music shows in different venues in Galicia. In the case of Santiago, it will bring nine performances of five theatrical and two dance proposals.

The opening of the billboard in the Galician capital will be the adaptation of ‘As alumnas’, a play by the company Culturactiva based on the text by Paula Carballeira, winner of the National Prize for Dramatic Literature 2023.

The piece, directed by Fina Calleja, Anabell Gago and Mónica Camaño, explores the figure of the Galician pedagogue María Barbeito and her impact on education during the Franco era. It can be seen on February 2 and 3 at 8:30 p.m. at the Teatro Principal.

In March, the play ‘Deadpan Karaoke‘ by Ibuprofeno Teatro will take over, with two performances on March 7 and 8 at 8:30 p.m. and with Patricia Rodríguez as director. And in April it will be the turn of the company Estudio Momento with ‘.1888. Miss Xulia‘, an adaptation of the text of the Swedish playwright August Strindberg, with Iria Ares and Xoán Carlos Mejuto at the head.

The public will also be able to enjoy ‘Entrega en man‘, the latest show by Contraproducións directed by Cándido Pazó and based on a text by Martin McDonagh. It will be available on April 26 and 27.

Performances to celebrate the art of dance

To commemorate International Dance Day, the Santiago de Compostela billboard will present two special performances to the public. The first will be ‘Berro‘, a piece celebrating the twentieth anniversary of Nova Galega de Danza and directed by renowned choreographer Sharon Fridman. The Auditorio de Galicia will be in charge of hosting it on April 28.

On May 3, dancer and choreographer Javier Martín will exhibit his piece ‘O punto impropio‘ at the Teatro Principal.

The finishing touch to the scenic proposal of the Network in Compostela will beMade in Galicia‘, an adaptation of the play of the same name by Sechu Sende and in charge of the company Sarabela Teatro. It will take place on May 16 and 17 at the Teatro Principal.


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