The Feito a Man festival will fill the squares of Santiago de Compostela with life

31 Jul 2023 | Culture, Leisure, Tourism

The city of Santiago de Compostela is preparing to receive an explosion of music and culture with the exciting arrival of the Feito a Man festival. This annual event returns with a renewed edition, promising a diverse and exciting entertainment program that will fill the streets of the Galician capital with energy and vitality.

Feito a Man was born two decades ago, in 2003, thanks to the work of the Cultural Association Cidade Vella. This group brings together catering establishments located in the old town of Santiago and its commitment to culture has been fundamental for the development of this show.

From August 3 to 24, the festival will unfold in all its glory with the aim of highlighting the city’s rich creativity and potential. Thus, this initiative aims to provide the visibility they deserve to their artists, in an environment that celebrates their expression.

More than a simple event, Feito a Man is positioned as a bridge between the community and the artistic expressions that enrich the city. Its purpose is to encourage the participation of Compostela residents in the cultural dynamics of their environment, creating a bond between them.

Different streets and squares of the old town of Santiago will witness this vibrant event, being the Mazarelos square the epicenter of the action. Here, the NARF stage, named in honor of the inovlidable Francisco Perez ‘Narf’, will become the beating heart of the festival.

A varied program

Feito a Man’s programming is a rich amalgam of cultural experiences ranging from concerts to other activities. Diversity is the key word that defines the event, which will host exciting musical performances along with performances, theatrical representations and a showcase of Galician artists dedicated to the creation of video clips.

If you want to discover what the festival has to offer, we invite you to explore its full program on the new website designed by VINCUSYS.

Feito a Man is a celebration of creativity, an opportunity for locals and tourists alike to discover new passions and meet the creative people who live in the capital of Galicia. So, mark your calendar and get ready to experience a month full of excitement, diversity and culture that will fill the streets of Santiago de Compostela.

Santiago de Compostela es una de las ciudades más buscadas por los turistas españoles


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