The curtain rises in Santiago with the Agustín Magán Amateur Theater Festival

6 Sep 2024 | Culture

This September, Santiago de Compostela will host the XXIII Festival de Teatro Aficionado Agustín Magán, a consolidated event that promotes Galician culture and language. It will take place from September 7 to 27 and will be completely free of charge.

The event is organized by the Federación Galega de Teatro Afeccionado (FEGATEA) in collaboration with the Concello de Santiago, the Dirección Xeral de Cultura de la Xunta de Galicia and the Centro Dramático Galego.

During the festival, six amateur theater companies will present their plays in three emblematic venues of the city: the Teatro Principal, the Sala Magán of the Santa Marta socio-cultural center and the Salón Teatro.
The participating companies are Disfunción Continua, Ditea, Porta Aberta, Gargallada Teatro, Teatro Antas de Ulla and Teatro Pesadelo.

One of the objectives of the festival is to bring this art to new audiences who are not so used to consume it.

It also pays tribute to Agustín Magán, a key figure in Galician amateur theater. You can check the program at the following link.

Agustín Magán Amateur Theater Festival Poster


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