The Apostle Festivities 2024 unveil their program

11 Jul 2024 | Culture, Leisure, Tourism

The Festivities of the Apostle return to Santiago de Compostela from July 19 to 31, with a program with activities for all audiences and that highlights the culture of the city.

The festivities maintain classics established in previous editions, such as the different fireworks shows, the comparsas de cabezudos, the parades, the musical performances or the ‘foliadas’.

But it also brings many novelties, such as the ‘Festa Pícara’, an outdoor film series, the urban music festival Santiago Urban Fest and even a drone show.

Concerts, bands and orchestras

The praza da Quintana will be the main stage of the great concerts of the Apostle, starting on Friday July 19 with the performance of the group Dakidarría at 22:15 hours. Other artists who will perform at this site are Femi & Kuti & the Positive Force (July 22); Harlem Gospel Travelers (July 23); Zenet (July 24); Maro (July 25); Mercedes Peón (July 29); Uxía Senlle, Ugía Pedreira, Carmen París and Martirio (July 30); and Antònia Font (July 31).

For its part, the Real Filharmonía de Galicia will give a concert in the same square on Friday, July 26 under the baton of Baldur Brönnimann. The Municipal Band, in this case accompanied by Ana San Martín, will also perform on Saturday, July 27.

Another of the classics of the Festivities of the Apostle of Santiago are the numerous orchestras that, every year, enliven the park of the Alameda. On this occasion, the groups Furia Joven ( July 19); Grupo Aché (July 20); Metrópolis (July 24); Atenas (July 26) and Platinum (July 27) will come to Compostela.

The Galeras Park will host a series of eight concerts for all audiences. It will begin with a performance by Lusardi and Boa Sunet on Tuesday, July 23, followed by C. Mirazo on Wednesday, July 24. On Thursday 25 it will be the turn of Mr. Wildon Friday 26th by Ailá and Saturday 27th by Carolina Rubirosa. It will end with Malabesta on Sunday 28, Capital Voskov on Monday 29 and Apart on Tuesday 30. In this same space will take place the theatrical proposal ‘As fillas e o mito de Cassandra’, by the group Chévere on Tuesday, July 30.


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Classical music, folklore and tradition

Another of the stages of these festivities will be the praza de Mazarelos where the festival ‘Peregrinos Musicais‘ will be held, an event starring classical music. Galician folklore will also have a place in these celebrations with the ‘Xornadas de Folclore Galego‘ on Saturday July 20 in the praza da Quintana.

Also, this square will host, on Friday, July 19, the traditional ‘Feira do Vestir, de onte a hoxe‘, with workshops, catwalks and activities for children. Other events that will not be missed are the‘Torneo da Chave’, the Day of Padrón, the ‘Festa do Escalo de Chaián‘ or the popular attractions in the Alameda.

Cinema and video games make a niche for themselves

The Apostle’s Festivities of 2024 bring novelties. One of them is the ‘Santiago Gaming‘, an event aimed at video game lovers of Compostela in which there will be different tournaments, workshops and even a meeting with the content creator Pachi66.

Another change in the program of the festivities is the inclusion of an outdoor film series, the ‘Cinema Compostela‘, which will screen six recent films of the Galician audiovisual. Specifically, ‘Salta!’, ‘O Corno’, ‘As Neves’, ‘Cuñados’, ‘Amigos ata a morte’ and ‘Honey Moon’.

The little ones can enjoy the ‘Festa Pícara‘, a day designed for the entertainment of the children of the city with many theater activities, music, puppets and workshops.

A Festa Pícara, un evento dedicado a los niños de Compostela

Fireworks and drone shows

As in previous years. The Fiestas del Apóstol will have two days of fireworks shows on July 24 and 31. Those of the 24th will be launched from three locations, as opposed to the five of other editions. These will be the Alameda, the Parque de Carlomagno de Fontiñas and the Cidade da Cultura de Galicia. Those of the 31st will be launched only from the Alameda. Both will start at 23:30 hours.

On Saturday, July 20, at the Vero Boquete stadium in San Lazaro, there will be a drone show called ’30 years of heritage cities above the stars’.

You can consult the complete program by clicking here .

Poster of the Apostle's Festivities


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