The Apostle Festivities 2024 unveil their program
The Festivities of the Apostle return to Santiago de Compostela from July 19 to 31, with a program with activities for all audiences and that highlights the culture of the city. The festivities maintain classics established in previous editions, such as the different...
A Festa Pícara, an event dedicated to the children of Compostela
The little ones of Compostela will be able to enjoy the summer thanks to ‘A Festa Pícara’, an event that will feature a variety of theater activities, music, puppets and workshops. It will arrive on July 23, as part of the Apostle’s Festivities of...
Music and tradition come together at Folk na Beira do Sar
The Colexiata de Santa María do Sar in Santiago de Compostela will host, on July 13 and 14, the festival Folk na Beira do Sar. The event, which is part of the Xornadas de Cultura e Convivencia no Camiño da Prata Folk na Beira do Sar, will feature cultural and...