Shopping will be a celebration with Prima 24, the local retail festival

13 Jun 2024 | Leisure, Shopping

The streets of Compostela will be filled with music, parades, children’s entertainment and lots of gifts as part of ‘Prima 24’, the local commerce festival that will take place on June 14 and 15.

The event returns with a fourth edition with which it wants to highlight the value of the city’s establishments and invite attendees to consume in them. It has an extensive program that will cover different areas of Santiago.

The festival of local commerce will start on Friday 14 with several parades. The old area will be in charge of the band Tanto nos ten, while Pulpiño Viascón will energize Conxo and Pontepedriña with his show. In the area of Concheiros and San Pedro will be Troula Animación with its show ‘O estrano caso do dentista da rúa Blasov‘. On the other hand, in praza Roxa will be held ‘Prima pequena‘, a children’s party with magic and music that will include performances by Mamá Cabra, Joshua Kenneth and Pakolas.

On Saturday 15, ‘Prima 24’ arrives with plenty of options for all tastes. In the praza de Cervantes there will be an exhibition of the master craftsmen of Ourives de Compostela, from 10 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm. The Trio Detrés will entertain the praza Roxa with their show ‘+Rhythm‘ from 12 noon.

The agenda for this day will also include parades through the old part of the city and the widening of the city. The first will be in the morning, with the acrobatics and juggling of the Tótem troupe; and the second, in the afternoon, with the jazz repertoire of the Dixie Kings.

Finally, the praza de Feixóo will be the stage for two concerts: from 1 p.m. by Ukestra do Medio and at 8 p.m. by Anxo Araújo. In case of rain, these concerts will be moved to Mazarelos square.

Local store in Santiago de Compostela, la Tienda de María

Cristina, owner of ‘La Tienda de María’ in Ensanche de Compostela.

Gifts and prizes for supporting local

As in previous editions, Prima 24 arrives with its traditional roulette of prizes ‘Eu merco aquí’, which will be installed on Friday afternoon in praza Roxa and on Saturday in praza do Toural. In it, all those who present a ticket for a purchase of more than 5 €, made in Santiago’s stores between June 10 and 15, can win different prizes. Each participation entitles the holder to one roll.

You can consult the complete program
by clicking here


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