Santiago will surpass 2022 hotel occupancy rates

29 Jun 2023 | Sin categorizar, Tourism

Hoteliers are anticipating a summer with higher occupancy levels than last year, which is cause for optimism in the tourism sector. Forecasts indicate that July will reach around 76% occupancy, while August is estimated at 74%. However, these numbers are expected to increase with last-minute bookings, an increasingly common behavior among domestic tourists looking to get the best deals.

Thor Rodríguez, president of Hostelería Compostela, is surprised by the first occupancy data that have reached the association. Some hotels plan to reach 90% occupancy during the month of August, and percentages of up to 76% are expected for July. The average number of reservations in the hotels associated with Hostelería Compostela is around 76% for July, compared to 73% last year in the same month. Rodriguez points out that during the weekend of the Robin Williams concert, the city will have almost 100% occupancy, a fact that is welcomed, since traditionally the first two weeks of July used to be quieter in terms of accommodations.

A relevant fact that draws the attention of hoteliers is the constant fluctuation of reservations in the last few weeks, with continuous highs and lows. This pattern has become more common among domestic tourists, who are looking to take advantage of the best deals available. Despite this, occupancy rates allow industry spokespersons to be optimistic.

The profile of the tourist visiting and staying in Santiago this summer has also changed compared to the holy year of 2022. A greater influx of family tourism is expected in August, while July will also see an increase in foreign tourism, which already left a good impression during the months of May and June.

There is a difference in the profile of tourists between July and August. While the average stay in July is one day, in August it extends to an average of five days. This variation is due to the type of guests, since in August there are more families who tend to stay longer in the same place. In addition, the recovery of foreign tourism is a relief for hoteliers because these tourists tend to stay longer. With the good data for 2022, it is expected that this year will consolidate the recovery of the tourism sector.


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