Santiago de Compostela is one of the most sought-after cities by Spanish tourists

23 Jun 2023 | Culture, Leisure, Tourism

Spaniards are looking forward to the summer vacations and this year it seems more than ever. A study conducted by the hotel and flight search engine, Jetcost, has revealed that searches for accommodation for July 2023 have increased compared to last year, and one of the preferred destinations is Santiago de Compostela.

Despite the price increases, citizens continue to be enthusiastic about their vacations. According to Jetcost’s report, the majority of domestic tourists maintain their preference for sun and beach destinations, representing 74% of searches, while the remaining 26% look for inland destinations.

Among the most outstanding coastal locations is the city of A Coruña, which ranks ninth in travelers’ preferences. On the other hand, Santiago de Compostela is ranked number 35 of the 45 most searched cities for the month of July.

This data is based on searches performed on the platform, which ensures the reliability of the results. The analysis covers the period between July 1 and 31, and reveals the great interest of tourists to visit Galician lands.

With the start of the summer season, these destinations are expected to attract a large number of visitors in search of sun, beach, culture and unique experiences. Both Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña are ready to welcome tourists and offer them an unforgettable stay.

Despite economic and political challenges, tourism remains a booming industry. Spaniards are determined to make the most of their vacations and explore new destinations, as Jetcost has revealed. Cities like Santiago, which boast a wide range of activities, natural beauty and a rich heritage, promise to offer memorable experiences to enjoy a well-deserved break this summer.


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