Santiago celebrates Rosalia Day with music, poetry, offerings and a festival

22 Feb 2024 | Culture

Santiago de Compostela joins once again the celebrations in honor of the birth of Rosalía de Castro, on February 23rd, 1837. The City Council, together with the Rosalía Foundation, the Xunta de Galicia and the Raigame association, will hold a wreath laying at 11 a.m. this Friday in the Vigo square, located near the place where the poet was born 187 years ago.

The formation Carapaus will be in charge of putting music to this first event and will have the collaboration of the students of the schools Quiroga Palacios and Cluny, who will recite poems. This year, Galician centers abroad will join the celebration, specifically from Donostia, Castelló, Burgos, Alacant and Valencia.

The festivities will continue at the Hostal dos Reis Católicos, where Rosalía was baptized, with an institutional act at 12 noon. There, there will be a reading of poems in tribute to the author and there will be musical performances by Os Carapaus, Faia and the students of the Escola de Música de Santiago (Estela Pereira and Lucas Lugo).

The third part of the day’s highlights will be the ‘Caldo de la Gloria’ which will be served in 13 schools and 30 restaurants in the city, thanks to the collaboration of the Asociación Hostelería Compostela and The organization has also distributed 80,000 commemorative tablecloths throughout Galicia.

In Padrón, at 10 am there will be an Alborada with Os Carapaus and the students of IES Camilo José Cela will read poems by Rosalía. At 2 p.m. there will be a parade with big heads and a tasting of Caldo de la Gloria.

Also, at the Casa de Rosalía there will be Caldo de la Gloria, prepared by Suso do Dezaseis and Uxía, and at 8 p.m. a concert by Faia.

A Festival in honor of the poet

On February 23rd and 24th, the Rosalía Festival will take place in Mazarelos square, organized by the Deputación da Coruña and the City Council of Santiago, under the slogan ‘Un grande atrevemento’ (A great daring). This event will include poetry, music, crafts and other activities to commemorate and celebrate the Galician poet.

On Friday 23, from 5 p.m., there will be a market of products with the Rosalía brand, followed by a family storytelling session by Trastenda dos Contos entitled ‘Somos ríos, somos fontes, somos regatos pequenos’ (We are rivers, we are springs, we are small streams). At 7 p.m., Isabel Risco and Fran Rei will perform their musical show ‘Dúo Vagedades‘. The day will end with ‘Indóciles‘, a multidisciplinary project by Mónica de Nut, Vero Rilo and Nuria Vil.

The following day the celebrations will continue in style. At 12 noon there will be a show with the voice of Esperanza Mara, while at 13:30 there will be a vermouth session accompanied by the performance ‘Cantamos con… Rosalía de Castro!‘.

In the afternoon, the group Quinquilláns will offer a parade through the city that will simulate a passage of Rosalía de Castro through Santiago. At 5 pm there will be a narration called ‘Contos nunha roda‘, followed by a quiz about the author.

At 6:30 p.m., the researcher Pilar García Negro will present her book ‘.Intense and supportive Feminism. Rosalian Studies‘. Finally, the Rosalia Festival will say goodbye with a performance by the group Loita Armada at 8 pm.


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