Sabor a novo’ arrives to celebrate Galician craftsmanship and commerce

13 Jun 2024 | Culture, Gastronomy, Leisure

More than fifty Galician brands of fashion, jewelry, basketry, decoration, ceramics and even food will participate this Sunday in ‘Sabor a novo’, an event that wants to value craftsmanship and local trade. It will take place at the Pazo de San Lourenzo and will feature music, workshops and a great gastronomic offer for all tastes.

Sabor a novo, organized by the director of Correveydile, Monica Mejias, will start at 12 noon and will put the finishing touch to a weekend starring local commerce thanks to Prima 24, which will be held on Friday and Saturday.

More than fifty Galician brands will participate in the event, showing and selling their collections of fashion, jewelry, costume jewelry, ceramics, basketry, decoration and food products. Visitors will be able to discover the new collections of the workshops with the seal of Artesanía de Galicia, as well as new producers, creators and Galician artists.

In addition, in the gardens of the Pazo de San Lourenzo there will be many complementary activities, such as concerts, DJ sessions, craft workshops and a great gastronomic offer. Admission will be free and there will be a childcare service for the little ones.

Sabor a novo will also be a unique opportunity to get to know the Pazo de San Lourenzo, a private space included in the National Artistic Heritage. The activities of the fair will take place in the gardens as well as in the cloister and in the different halls of the building.


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