Record number of pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago, with the U.S. leading the way

3 Jul 2023 | Road to Santiago, Sin categorizar, Tourism

The Camino de Santiago continues its incredible growth, attracting pilgrims from all over the world. Last year, it broke all records with the arrival of 437,507 walkers, improving on the 2019 mark. This year seems to be no exception, with 59,194 pilgrims registered in the month of June, an increase of 1,230 compared to 2022.

The United States has stood out as one of the foreign countries with the largest presence on the Camino. Thanks to the film “The Way”, interest in this route has grown considerably in the country. Last year, the United States was second only to Italy in the number of walkers, with nearly 26,000 people. In addition, in June of this year, it topped the list of foreign countries with the arrival of more than 4,600 U.S. pilgrims.

The impact of the Camino de Santiago in the United States is so great that the country’s ambassador to Spain, Julissa Reynoso, is walking the route with a group of students. These young people, selected by the Big Brother Big Sister Foundation of Miami, have the opportunity to participate in the Camino de Santiago program, which provides opportunities for low-income students in the United States and Spain.

Ambassador Reynoso has been enthusiastic about this experience and stresses the importance of the exchange and diversity experienced on the Camino. The group of pilgrims is walking the English Way, which will take them to the Cathedral of Santiago. In addition to the ambassador, the group was joined by Miami Dade District 7 Commissioner Raquel Regalado, with her two children, and the president of the Spanish Cultural Center of Miami, Julian Linares.

The Camino de Santiago continues to conquer hearts and reaffirm its position as a world-renowned route. The influx of pilgrims in the first half of the year has already reached 177,606, which anticipates another record year. This phenomenon not only demonstrates the attractiveness of the Xacobean Route, but also its capacity to unite people from more than 180 countries in a unique experience.


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