Record for the Camino de Santiago, which has exceeded 23% of the pilgrims in the Holy Year

28 Jun 2023 | Road to Santiago, Sin categorizar, Tourism

The Camino de Santiago continues to attract an increasing number of pilgrims in 2023, even after the end of the biannual Holy Year 2021 – 2022. Daniel Lorenzo, director of the Cathedral Foundation, recently announced a 23% increase in the number of pilgrims compared to the same period during Xacobeo 2022.

During the exciting opening ceremony of the chapel of St. James the Apostle, which had been closed for more than three years, Lorenzo shared these impressive record numbers. According to statistics from the Pilgrim’s Office, a total of 144,697 pilgrims had arrived in Santiago by June 13, representing a significant increase of 23% compared to last year.

It is interesting to note that, of the total number of pilgrims, 76% are foreigners, while 24% are Spanish citizens. Among internationals, Germans, Americans and Portuguese are the most common nationalities, while among nationals, Valencians, Andalusians and Madrileños lead.

These data clearly reflect the continued attractiveness of the Camino de Santiago, both in Spain and around the world. Although the Holy Year, which is usually a period of great affluence of tourists, has already concluded, the number of pilgrims visiting the Galician capital continues to grow. This demonstrates the lasting and significant impact of this historic route.

In addition, this increase affects Santiago de Compostela economically. Tourism in the towns along the different routes of the Camino is boosted by this flow of travelers, generating economic activity and fostering cultural exchange between visitors and local communities.

The Camino de Santiago continues to be a destination of great relevance, both for those seeking a spiritual and reflective experience, as well as for those who wish to enjoy the natural beauty and historical heritage of the region. With the steady increase in the number of pilgrims, it is expected that this positive trend will continue throughout the year, consolidating the importance of this historic route.


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