Pirotècnia Igual arrives in Santiago to create an explosion of color in the Apostle 2023

18 Jun 2023 | Culture

The Apostle’s Day is getting closer and closer and with it, the traditional fireworks display. This year, the company Pirotècnia Igual will be in charge of its organization and will fill the city with light and color. The fireworks show will be launched on two days, July 24 and 31, at 11:30 p.m., and promises to amaze all attendees.

As last year, the fireworks for the Apostle’s Day will be made from five different locations in the city. Specifically, in the Eugenio Granell Park, the Parque Carlomagno de Fontiñas, the Carballeira de Santa Susana, As Cancelas and Monte Gaiás. In addition, the final fireworks of July 31, known as “small fires”, will be carried out from the Cidade da Cultura.

Pirotècnia Igual has been in charge of designing, producing and executing these 15-minute fireworks shows, worth 229,000 euros. For this purpose, a net explosives content of 4,053 kg will be used. The company will also take care of the transportation, assembly and removal of the material, as well as the provision of the necessary machinery for the entire process.

The Concello de Santiago has indicated that the same five locations as last year will be maintained, in line with previous editions. The choice of Pirotècnia Igual was based on its economically advantageous offer.

The company, which is headquartered in Barcelona, has more than 120 years of experience. They have participated in national and international events, such as the Barcelona 92 Olympic Games, the 2014 World Cup in Brazil and the Odesur Games in Santiago de Chile 2014, among others. Its highly experienced technical team guarantees the artistic quality of each of its shows.

Throughout their career, they have been awarded numerous prizes at international pyrotechnic art festivals. Their creativity has earned them awards in Cannes, Monte Carlo, Knokke and Hannover, among other places.

In addition to the fireworks of the Apostle, the Concello is finalizing the details of the program of the festivities. Concerts and activities for all ages will be announced in the coming weeks, as well as this year’s town crier.

The fireworks of the Apostle are one of the most anticipated moments of the festivities and with Pirotècnia Igual in charge of its organization, a dazzling and exciting show is expected to delight the public.


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