Picheleiros’: why the inhabitants of Santiago are called this name

12 Jan 2024 | Culture

Each city has a gentilicio with which to name its inhabitants. And the case of Santiago de Compostela is curious, since in addition to the two official ones (santiagués and compostelano), it has an extra term with which to denominate those of the area: ‘picheleiros’. But where did this curious term come from?

It is common for the inhabitants of Compostela themselves to use this name, but it was coined by third parties. It is not known exactly when it first appeared, but it is believed that it was born in the 15th century, at the height of the tin industry in Santiago.

Among the objects made from this material, the best known was the pichel, a tall, round vessel, generally wider at the base than at the mouth and with a lid with an engoznada at the end of the handle.

It used to have a general capacity of about one liter and was called by different names, such as ‘pichela’ or ‘pichola’. Although the term used to refer to containers made from tin or ceramic, its use has degenerated over time and is now used interchangeably to refer to jars made from other materials, such as plastic or glass.

Picheleiro was the name given by the inhabitants to all the artisans who worked with tin, and although they made picheles, they also made other types of utensils, such as plates, cups or lanterns. As this activity was so important in the Galician capital, it became associated with all those who lived in the city.

Today, this term survives as a reminder of the past that the city has left behind. It is a curious vestige of Compostela’s artisan tradition, although many do not know its origin.


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