I LOVE COMPOSTELA brings you closer to the history, gastronomy and places of interest of Santiago de Compostela, the city that enchants millions of visitors every year.
I LOVE COMPOSTELA brings you closer to the history, gastronomy and places of interest of Santiago de Compostela, the city that enchants millions of visitors every year.
of interest
Cathedral Museum
Santiago Cathedral
Museum of the Galician People
Costa de San Domingos, 3
Galician Center of Contemporary Art
Rúa Ramón del Valle Inclán, 2
Gaiás Center Museum
City of Culture of Galicia
Parks of Santiago de Compostela
Area: 85,000 m2
Belvís Park
Area: 30,604 m2
Brañas do Sar
Length: 4,418 m.
Other points of interest
The Book Fair returns to Santiago de Compostela
Spring is here and, with it, comes the good weather. That is why it is at this time of the year that literature fairs reappear in the streets of Galicia. One of the first is the Santiago de Compostela Book Fair, which will be held from April 27 to May 5.
Composfest returns to Santiago with a renewed second edition
After the success of its first edition, the music festival ComposFest returns to Santiago de Compostela on May 10th at Praza da Quintana during the Ascension Festival. The event is a proposal of the SD Compostela in collaboration with the Concello de Santiago.
Interest in the Camino de Santiago spreads to the United States
Maryjane Dunn, a U.S. researcher and university professor and recipient of the Aymeric Picaud International Prize, has said that interest in the Camino de Santiago in the United States is spreading like wildfire.