O Fechiño’ festival celebrates culture and local community

11 Jul 2024 | Culture

The parish of San Xoán de Fecha, in Santiago de Compostela, is preparing to host next Saturday, July 13, the third edition of the Festival Rupestre e de Proximidade ‘O Fechiño’. This event, organized by aCentral Folque, promises to be a day full of cultural and sustainable activities for families to enjoy while connecting with the local community and the rock heritage of the area.

The festival will begin at 10:30 a.m. with a ‘roteiro rupestre sonoro’ guided by the Clube Espeleolóxico Maúxo, which will take participants on a tour of several lithic stations in the region. At noon, at 2:30 p.m., a popular lunch will be held in Lamascal, where a tent will be set up so that attendees can enjoy their food in peace. During the afternoon, Francisco Miramontes Sánchez will be awarded the “Fechiño de honra” in recognition of his career and involvement in the parish.

In the afternoon, at 5 p.m., the duo Aldaolado will present their show ‘O Benquerer(se)‘, followed at 6:30 p.m. by Carme Campo, who will offer her ‘Baile Assalto‘ to encourage those present to dance muiñeiras and jotas.

In addition, two additional roteiros will be organized for which it will be necessary to register in advance by sending an e-mail to ofechinho@folque.com. The first one, ‘Paisaxes que falan‘, will take place at 5 pm and will be guided by David Fontán and Lucía Santiago. The Colectivo A Rula will be in charge of the second one, ‘Roteiro Rupestre‘, at 6:30 pm.

The closing of this day will be marked by the concerts of Caamaño & Ameixeiras, who will take the stage at 9 pm, and Os d’Abaixo, at 10:30 pm.


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