Music and tradition come together at Folk na Beira do Sar

11 Jul 2024 | Culture

The Colexiata de Santa María do Sar in Santiago de Compostela will host, on July 13 and 14, the festival Folk na Beira do Sar. The event, which is part of the Xornadas de Cultura e Convivencia no Camiño da Prata Folk na Beira do Sar, will feature cultural and gastronomic activities and musical performances to enjoy folk music.

Saturday, July 13

The festival will kick off with the photo exhibition ‘A Ras do Sar’ at 11:30 am, followed by the performance of the trio Slimak. A cheese and wine tasting will take place at 12:30 p.m. in the Colexiata orchard. At the same time there will be entertainment for the little ones.

It will be followed by a vermouth session, at 2 p.m., enlivened by Os Intrépidos da Ulla. At 6 p.m. the Traditional Music and Dance Festival will begin with the Agrupación Folclórica Colexiata do Sar and, again, Os Intrépidos da Ulla. It will be followed by a folk concert, at 8 p.m., by Kercuez and Alvariza.

Sunday, July 14

The second day of Folk na Beira do Sar will begin with a concert by the Municipal Music Band of Santiago de Compostela and the Agrupación Folclórica Colexiata do Sar at 1 pm.

Carlos Núñez will put the finishing touch to the event with his performance, in which he will present his new album ‘Celtic Sea’, at 8:30 pm.

A summer for all Galicians

The Folk na Beira do Sar festival is part of the CulturON campaign of the Xunta de Galicia. Its objective is to create a wide cultural offer in summer that extends throughout the territory, so that everyone can enjoy these activities no matter where they live.


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