Galicia is one of the destinations recommended by CNN in 2024

8 Jan 2024 | Tourism

Galicia has achieved a new achievement at the beginning of the year. The community has been included in the list of travel destinations recommended by CNN this 2024. This is quite a milestone, as it places it as the only region in Spain mentioned and one of the five in Europe.

In its news item, the U.S. network has heaped praise on the community and highlighted many of the wonders it believes its readers should visit. For example, it emphasizes the different beaches of the Galician coast and the beauty of the numerous lighthouses, among which the Tower of Hercules, the oldest Roman lighthouse among those still in operation, stands out.

CNN especially recommends visiting the city of Santiago de Compostela and seeing the mythical and impressive Cathedral, an object of adoration for the many pilgrims who walk the Camino de Santiago. Another must for the chain is Cape Fisterra for its breathtaking views and they suggest Hotel O Semáforo as a place to stay.

Thus, the region is projected as an essential place for travelers eager for authentic and lesser-known experiences.

Galicia is one of the lucky ones to appear on the CNN list. Alongside it, there are regions from all over the world such as Chile, Uzbekistan, Puerto Rico, South Korea and Greece. Below is the complete list:


  • Sumba, Indonesia.
  • The Turkish Black Sea coast.
  • Tartu, Estonia.
  • Tainan, Taiwan.
  • Northwest Michigan.
  • Trans Dinaric Cycling Route, Balkans.
  • Culebra, Puerto Rico.
  • Angola.
  • Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.
  • South Korea.
  • Albania.
  • Chile.
  • Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia.
  • Macedonia, Greece.
  • Panama.
  • Galicia, Spain.
  • The coastal islands of Singapore.
  • Merida, Mexico.
  • Morocco.
  • Florida’s freshwater springs.
  • Texas Hill Country.
  • Fujairah.
  • Greenland.
  • Uzbekistan.


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