Compostela receives over 150,000 international visitors

29 May 2024 | Tourism

Tourism in Santiago de Compostela continues to grow and break records. International tourist stays in the city increased by 10% in the first four months of the year, with more than 150,000 foreign visitors .

Compostela hotels recorded a total of 358,774 overnight stays in the first four months of 2024, slightly above the 356,032 of the same period last year, according to INE data. This increase marks a new all-time high for the first four months of the year and reinforces the process of deseasonalization of demand that has been observed in recent years.

During this period, international tourism reached 157,832 stays, an increase of 10% over the previous year. In contrast, domestic tourism decreased by 5%, from 212,181 stays in the first four months of 2023 to 200,942 in the same period of this year.

Due to this situation, the weight of foreign visitors in the city’s total demand continued to increase in the first four months of the year. Thus, the proportion of international tourists grew from 40% last year to 44% this year.

INE data from January through May reflect the transformation of the city’s tourism model promoted by the City Council.which commitment to deseasonalization and international tourismThe average expenditure of visitors from outside Spain tends to be higher than that of the inhabitants of the Peninsula.

In particular, in April, foreign tourism reached 79,254 overnight stays, 15% more than in 2023, far exceeding the 56,601 stays of domestic tourism in that month.

These INE data coincide with both the historical records in traffic at the Santiago – Rosalía de Castro airport and the number of compostelas delivered, which shows the transformation of the city towards a more international model with greater added value.


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