Camiño Escena Norte brings its show back to Santiago de Compostela for its fifth edition

15 Sep 2023 | Culture

In its fifth edition, the project
Camiño Escena Norte
a cultural exchange initiative, returns to 11 municipalities in Galicia, including Santiago de Compostela, with renewed enthusiasm and an even more ambitious approach.

In 2023, Camiño Escena Norte expands its scope to 57 venues distributed in Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Basque Country and Navarra, demonstrating its commitment to the promotion of the performing arts and cultural enrichment throughout the region.

One of the most outstanding features of Camiño Escena Norte is its ability to bring together and present a varied selection of theatrical and stage shows. In this fifth edition, the project plans to offer a total of 12 performances of 10 shows in Galicia, all of them by companies from outside the Autonomous Community.

Fifteen theater groups participate in this ambitious project, each contributing their own artistic vision and unique style. Among them are the Galician companies Caramuxo Teatro with “Crisálida”, Rebordelos with “Amantis” and Xampatito Pato with “Só”.

The Camino in Galicia: more venues than ever before

This year, Galicia becomes one of the main stages of Camiño Escena Norte, with a total of 11 venues, four more than in the previous edition. These offices are distributed throughout the autonomous community, from Melide, covering a large area.

The program of activities in Galicia will begin on September 17 in Santiago de Compostela with the presentation of “Gorpuztu”, a play by Eva Guerrero’s Basque company. The show will mark the beginning of a series of performances that will take the theater to several Galician towns, such as Arzúa, Mondoñedo, Portomarín, Ribadeo, Vimianzo, Ames, Carballo, Lugo and Viveiro.

A commitment to the performing arts

Jacobo Sutil, the director of the Axencia Galega das Industrias Culturais, praised the Camiño Escena Norte project as an “integral initiative” in the promotion and dissemination of theater. He also emphasized that the initiative fits in with the objectives of the Xunta de Galicia with respect to its cultural programming.

The philosophy of Camiño Escena Norte promotes fundamental values such as the exchange between professionals from different regions, the continuous enrichment of the cultural sector and the collaboration between the public and private spheres. The initiative exemplifies how collaboration can consolidate culturally relevant and necessary projects.

More than just theater

In addition to the performances themselves, Camiño Escena Norte includes a variety of additional activities that further enrich the cultural experience. These include colloquiums with attendees, workshops and residencies that allow participants to explore and delve deeper into the world of the performing arts.

One of this year’s highlights is the “Vieiros” initiative, designed to establish links and project culture internationally. In collaboration with the Festival Internacional de Outono de Teatro de Carballo, “Vieiros” represents a step forward in the promotion of cultural projects and the strengthening of the Galician presence in the global theater scene.

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Camiño Escena Norte 2023 promises to be an exceptional edition that will encompass a wide range of cultural experiences. This initiative, through its shows and discussions, transcends mere stage performance.

The project demonstrates how collaboration between different regions and the promotion of the performing arts can strengthen the cultural fabric of a community. In a world in constant change, initiatives such as Camiño Escena Norte are fundamental to preserve and enrich our cultural and artistic heritage.


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