Atardecer no Gaiás closes its musical cycle in style

29 Aug 2023 | Culture, Leisure

Sunset in Gaiás

the cycle of open-air concerts that has left its mark on the summer of Santiago de Compostela, comes to an end this Thursday, August 31. The stage of the Gaiás Center will be filled with live music with the performance of the singer Natalia Lacunza.

The lineup for this year’s edition was a vibrant mix of genres and styles. It was designed to satisfy all tastes so that citizens and visitors to the city could come to the Cidade da Cultura and enjoy the show.

In July, we were able to see great artists of the music scene, such as Juancho Marqués, Biznaga, Madalena Gamalho or Jéssica Pina. The month of August has been at the height and has continued with the sunsets in style to say goodbye to the summer, with the urban music of Bejo or the rhythm of Lontreira, one of the promises of the Galician music scene.

The festival knows no borders and this edition has brought numerous international artists. One of them is Ben L’Oncle Soul, who will bring the irresistible rhythms of contemporary soul to the venue. He will be in charge of closing this cycle together with the Spanish Natalia Lacunza, on the 30th and 31st, respectively.

Atardecer no Gaiás, one more year, becomes an event that puts the focus on the Galician bands that are emerging and emerging artists, with a different but attractive line-up for everyone.

The last concerts will be held at 9:00 pm in the Central Square of the Cidade da Cultura in Santiago de Compostela and are completely free of charge. If you are curious, you can come and enjoy this great show before it ends.


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